Estate & Probate
For most the phrase “estate planning” is synonymous with the word “will.” Though a will outlining one’s final wishes is important, it is only a small piece of a proper estate planning.
The attorneys at Dillon & Dillon, PLC have been helping our clients plan for both the inevitable and the “what ifs” in life since 1974. We know that our clients have worked hard for what they have and we are dedicated to ensuring the execution of their wishes regarding their estates.
Estate planning begins with an attorney consultation. During this consultation you will discuss what you have and what you want done with it, along with the modes and methods to make that happen. These methods could include trusts, gifts, and several other methods to ensure you are able to pass on as much as your estate as possible.
At Dillon & Dillon, PLC we are not limited to estate planning, execution or administration. Our attorneys can also walk you and your family through issues involving nursing homes, Medicare and Medicaid, and how these eldercare issues affect your overall estate.It’s never comfortable to think about the need for estate planning, but it’s even worse to think that what you’ve worked to build could be lost. Schedule a consultation with one of Dillon & Dillon, PLC experienced estate attorneys today.